A Wedding Day to Remember at Parkland Country Club: Monica & Ryan's Special Day

June 10th, 2023

I'm a lucky guy. As a wedding photographer, I get to be a part of some of the most joyous moments in people's lives. Recently, I had the privilege of capturing Monica and Ryan's wedding at the Parkland Country Club in Parkland, Florida. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and an abundance of beautiful scenery.


Parkland Country Club, with its expansive, lush greenery and picturesque landscapes, served as the perfect backdrop for this memorable day. Its serene ambiance added an extra layer of charm to the proceedings, and the natural light it offered was a photographer's dream. As I arrived, I could already tell that it was going to be a magical day.


The couple, Monica and Ryan, were just as enchanting. Their love for each other was palpable, and it shone in every picture I took. From the way they looked at each other during the ceremony to their playful moments during the photo shoot, it was clear that these two were made for each other.


But what set this wedding apart was the warm presence of family. The couple's families were a central part of the day, their joy adding to the overall happiness of the occasion. As a photographer, capturing these intimate moments is what I live for. Seeing the joy in a parent's eyes as they watch their child get married, or the tearful hugs shared among siblings, these are the moments that make a wedding truly special.


The best moment of the day, however, came during the sunset. As the sun began to set behind the country club, casting a golden hue over everything, I asked Monica and Ryan to step outside for a few photos. The resulting images, with the beautiful couple backlit by the setting sun, are some of my favorite shots from the day. They encapsulate the love and joy that filled Monica and Ryan's wedding day.


Each wedding I photograph is unique, and Monica and Ryan's was no exception. Their day was filled with love, family, and beautiful scenery - all the elements for a perfect wedding. I'm grateful I got to be a part of their special day, and I'm excited to share these images with you. Here's to Monica and Ryan, and their beautiful journey ahead.